Arcticsun Siberian Huskies

Arcticsun Siberian Huskies is celebrating 25 years. Our internationaly recognized championship lines are shown in Europe, Asia, South America, through out Canada and the United States. We also breed for wonderful sledding heart and attitude. Many years ago we decided that our Siberians had to be exceptionaly healthy and exceptionaly beautiful. They had to be strikingly beautiful for the show ring and well built so that they could run mid distance. We also wanted dogs with the intelligence to run lead, herd, excell in obedience and do many other tasks. We got it. Champions, titled sled dogs, herding, tracking, agility certificates and more. Our dogs have run with superdogs, work for the disabled, and been featured in movies, on TV, comercials, and in print work. At Arcticsun our Siberians do it all.